Podere Bioamiata
Organic Cinta Senese Pancetta
Ref: CSELL10
Weight: 500 g
Packaging: vacuum packed
Description: pieces of bacon (pre-cut)
Shelf life: 4 months from packaging date
Ingredients: pork, salt, garlic in powder, black ground pepper.
Seasoning: min. 40 days
Conserve at +2°C - +4°C
The Pancetta Cinta Senese Bio
The Pancetta Cinta Bio represents the section of meat of the thorax and the stomach with the pig skin. The pieces are cut and massaged with salt and garlic and salted down for about 15 days; than cleaned and flavoured with black paper and put into store room for the seasoning. The product is in pieces of approximately 3kg with a thickness of about 4cm. Because of the wild breeding of the swine it is very difficult to obtain a lot of fat. Pancetta Cinta Bio that is very fatty is there for highly appreciated and has only one or two stripes of red meat. When sliced the white fat turns pink.