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Fresh Vegetable


Ref: ARU-01

Italian name: Rughetta

Weight Order: 10 bundles each case

Description: Arugula consists of vibrant green leaves attached to a pale creamy green hued stem. The leaves are lobed and can be harvested when young and mild in flavor or when fully mature at 3 or 4 inches in length. Arugula offers an herbaceous, peppery flavor with nuances of nuts and mustard. Leaves allowed to mature too long on the arugula plant will become bitter in taste. The pungent flavor of arugula is due to its high content of sulfur containing compounds known as glucosinolates.

Season: Early Spring and Fall for peak season.

Serving Suggestion: In the culinary world arugula is used as an herb, a salad green and even a leaf vegetable, making it a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. It can be used both raw and cooked though cooking will give the leaves a milder flavor.